
  • 5526 S Soto St
  • Vernon, California, 90058
  • মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র
  • টেলিফোন:1-323-2773940
  • ফ্যাক্স:1-323-2773944
  • ইউআরএল:

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মুখ্য পৃষ্ঠা


L.A. Closeout Inc is a major wholesaler of closeout surplus general merchandise company specializing in batteries, electronics, house wares, health and beauty, school office supplies, toys many more.

Our company deals mainly with distributors and retailers not only in the U.S. but all over the world. With a wide selection of discounted merchandise, we can provide our clients the right product for their stores.

Having been in the business since 1990, we have served more than a thousand clients and continue to provide the same service we have been giving since day one. While looking for ways to attract new clients, we continue to offer superior service to our existing clients, keeping them as happy and as worry free as possible. It's our focus on customer service that has gained us the trust of some of the biggest retail stores in the U.S.

Together, we look forward to bigger challenge and opportunities.

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